For the sake of old times...

So here I am. At home. Starting an unemployed life (again).

Last Saturday, I just had my laboratory exam (dunno what’s the exact name for that), right before my mom picked me up for home. I felt depressed that day. Really don’t know why. Well, I thought it was just my before-exam-syndrome. I usually have that kind of thing whenever I’m facing exams. The symptoms? Stomachache, blushing ears *not blushing cheeks*, losing appetite, etc.

When I was doing my exam, one thing came up in my mind.* why suddenly so mellow??* It is how I should maintain the situation I had, yeah the before-exam-syndrome I mean. Actually I knew how to handle it, but that thing was forgotten these days. What’s that? I usually do this whenever I’m *or we* having difficult times during 6 years in Sanur. Hug. Yep, this is the answer. I just need someone to hug. Just a friendly hug. But since my school now is too conservative to consider hugging your friends as a normal thing, I hardly can do it.

I miss my friends. My girlfriends in Sanur. We usually hug each other, to give some strength, to share happiness or sadness. Maybe that’s why teletubies always look so happy like there’s nothing to worry about. *well even though they look stupid also*


Miss u guys…

Kangen beratt sama kalian…

*pengen nangis..hxhxhxhx…*