This is really sweet...

heyhey...i'm in the mood for love *lho??!* ga kok,,lagi seneng ajah..
here's a sweet thing i'd like to share with u guys..

When a boy is quiet ..... millions of things are running in his mind.

When a boy is not arguing ..... he is thinking deeply.

When a boy looks at u with eyes full of questions ..... he is wondering how long you will be around.

When a boy answers ' I'm fine ' after a few seconds ..... he is not at all fine.

When a boy stares at you ..... he is wondering why you are lying.

When a boy let you lays on his chest ..... he is wishing for you to be his forever.

When a boy wants to see you everyday..... he wants to be yours 4eva.

When a boy says ' I love you ' ..... he means it.

When a boy says ' I miss you ' ..... no one in this world can miss you more
than that.

Life only comes around once make sure u spend it with the right person.....

Find a Guy ..... who calls you beautiful instead of hot.....

who calls you back when you hang up on him.....

Who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.....

Wait for the guy who .....kisses your forehead.....

Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats.....

Who holds your hand in front of his friends.....

Who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you.....

Who turns to his friends and says, ' That's her!! '

awww~~ this is really sweet..

wish i could be with someone right now...

For the sake of old times...

So here I am. At home. Starting an unemployed life (again).

Last Saturday, I just had my laboratory exam (dunno what’s the exact name for that), right before my mom picked me up for home. I felt depressed that day. Really don’t know why. Well, I thought it was just my before-exam-syndrome. I usually have that kind of thing whenever I’m facing exams. The symptoms? Stomachache, blushing ears *not blushing cheeks*, losing appetite, etc.

When I was doing my exam, one thing came up in my mind.* why suddenly so mellow??* It is how I should maintain the situation I had, yeah the before-exam-syndrome I mean. Actually I knew how to handle it, but that thing was forgotten these days. What’s that? I usually do this whenever I’m *or we* having difficult times during 6 years in Sanur. Hug. Yep, this is the answer. I just need someone to hug. Just a friendly hug. But since my school now is too conservative to consider hugging your friends as a normal thing, I hardly can do it.

I miss my friends. My girlfriends in Sanur. We usually hug each other, to give some strength, to share happiness or sadness. Maybe that’s why teletubies always look so happy like there’s nothing to worry about. *well even though they look stupid also*


Miss u guys…

Kangen beratt sama kalian…

*pengen nangis..hxhxhxhx…*

NIELF update : BIRTHDAY CARD Project

yeah yeah...i know u miss me. *hahaa..* so welcome back here with me, icem, the hostess. first update setelah sekian lama ngga update blog adalah tentang NIELF (Naneun Indonesian ELF). well since i'm one of them, gw bersedia membantu mempromosikan salah satu project terbaru kita, yaitu......


seperti yang telah kita (ELF) ketahui, salah dua dari member SUJU-yang mana salah satunya adalah suami gw-akan merayakan ulang tahun mereka bulan depan. coba gw mau tes para ELF..hayoo tanggal berapa aja ulang taunnya???!!

jadii begini..project kita adalah membuat kartu ucapan selamat ulang tahun aka birthday card buat sungmin dan kangin. supaya kesannya lebih personal, kalian boleh ngirim kartu masing2.
ntar semua kartunya dikirim dalam satu paket atas nama ELF Indonesia.
kartunya dikirim ke alamat admin forsujuindo forum alias ibu leader alias bininya Teuki alias Misty *alamatnya bisa diliat di link di bawah ini*

standard pengiriman ke alamatnya misty :

1. beli card ultah atau dibuat (up to you)..boleh hanya untuk sungmin atau kangin atau keduanya..
(mending beli loh kartunya..kl dijual udah satu pket ma amplopnya tuh)
kapan mereka berdua ultah di bln januari..silahkan cek tret personal membernya..

(ukuran card jgn sekecil ukuran dompet atau kartu nama, tapi minimal sama ukurannya dengan ukuran kartu pos, lebih besar jg boleh tapi tidak boleh sebesar ukuran A4 misalnya)

2. tulis dalam card buat suju tadi...ucapan special kamu..
(jgn panjang ampe buat surat 100 hal ya...hiihhi), lalu tulis sungmin / to kangin..biar ga ketuker..^^ (amplop jangan di LEM, dan jangan lupa masukkan uang bantu kirimnya, perkartunya @IDR 5000 ya^^..jd kl kamu kirim untuk kangin dan sungmin juga..totalnya @IDR 10000 )

3. sediakan amplop lain berukuran lbh besar daripada amplop kartu ucapan kamu..(bisa berupa amplop coklat besar yg biasa di jual per 10 buah gitu kl di gramed)

4. masukkan amplop yg berisi kartu ucapan kamu ke dalam amplop besar tadi, tulis di amplop besar tadi alamat misty..(amplop besarnya boleh di LEM..kl ga mo isinya ilang dijalan..heheeh..)

5. kirim degh..hehehe..

for further info please go to link below :

sekian dulu update terbaru dari dunia ELF...
c yaa...*buru2 ngibrit cari kartu juga ahh...*